8 Ways To Maintain A Great Credit Score

Having an excellent credit score is very useful. The following are some tips on how to maintain a superb credit score. Open Credit Accounts When You Do Not Need Them If you don’t have any credit accounts, you will have a low score. The best time to open them is...

Is a Hard Money Loan the Right Strategy for You?

When used as a part of an effective real estate investment strategy, hard money loans are an excellent tool to quickly increase holdings without risking existing properties. However, these loans aren’t for everyone. What investors get the most value from hard...

3 Tips To Save For A Down Payment

Saving up for a down payment can feel overwhelming. Most people have never saved up the kind of money it takes for a down payment. It can be done, though. The goal is to put 20% down on a house. This is what it takes if you don’t want to have to pay private...

Mortgage Challenges For Self-Employed Home Buyers

It’s no secret that mortgage lending institutions look favorably on steady paychecks and positive debt-to-income ratios. That can leave many self-employed prospective home buyers feeling anxious about getting approved for a mortgage. But just like the 9-to-5ers...

Real Estate Crowdfunding Investment Is Trending

Although the real estate market is currently booming, the last housing bubble burst remains relatively fresh in investors’ minds and that has many taking a long look at crowdfunding. One of the lessons that came out of the burst and ensuing Great Recession was...