Can I Qualify For A Mortgage Without W-2 Income?

It’s more common these days to have non-traditional income that doesn’t fall into the W-2 category. Many people work in what is referred to as the “gig economy,” where income might come from a variety of freelance sources. Other times, people...

FOMC Statement: No Changes to Key Fed Rate

The meeting of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee ended Wednesday with the Committee’s customary post-meeting statement recapping monetary policy matters considered by the Committee. Members voted not to change the current target rate...

What To Look For In A Real Estate Agent

You have lots of choices when it comes to choosing a real estate agent. Aside from deciding if you’d prefer to work with a man or woman, and what age range you’d like them to be, here are some tips to help ensure that you pick one that is best suited for...

The Economics Of Going Green For Home Sales

Earth Day is celebrated each year in April to remind us all of the benefits of ecologically-sound living that is more in harmony with Mother Earth. There is quite a bit of positive news when it comes to going “green.” There are significant benefits for...

12 Ways to Lower Your Monthly Utility Bills

According to the US Department of Energy, the average American household paid $111.67 each month for utilities in 2017. With some research and a few DIY projects, property owners can reduce those energy costs without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Establish...

8 Curb Appeal Tips for Selling Your Home Fast

From small touches such as new lighting to larger efforts such as tiling the porch or stoop, creating curb appeal is one of the best investments you can make to resell your home fast. Here are eight ideas to maximize curb your appeal. Landscaping Is Critical For The...

4 Ways A Little Paint Can Revitalize Your Home

Fixing up your home doesn’t have to be a budget-breaker. You can revitalize the look of your property with a little bit of paint in the right places. Here are some areas that will really stand out to visitors or prospective home buyers. 1. Front Door The front...